Is There Really A Happily Ever after?

Does forever truly bind, a love that won't unwind?

Two souls entwined, a constant, loyal mind?

But whispers fill the air, of vows and hearts astray,

Happy couples falter, where's the happily ever after, they say?

Unhappy hearts, with loyalty's heavy chain,

A loveless dance, a life lived in vain.

Vows like empty vowels, a promise on the breeze,

Shattered by temptations, carried on the seas.

Imperfection's truth, a flaw in human form,

Why pledge forever, amidst life's coming storm?

Marriage, a choice, not just a blissful dream,

To weather hardship, a committed team.

Money, time, and distance, mere excuses in disguise,

"Something different" a yearning in our eyes.

Miscommunication's thorns, a garden overgrown,

Love untended, a promise overthrown.

But hold, dear heart, is love truly confined?

Can forever exist, in a single, searching mind?

Perhaps love's a journey, with many ports to call,

Intense connections, that rise and sometimes fall.

Is love a singular flame, or a flickering spark?

Can a heart hold many, leaving its luminous mark?

Fantasy's embrace, a world we all create,

But love's a living thing, a force that can't be fate.

So let us love and learn, with open hearts and minds,

Embrace the journey's beauty, the truth that love unwinds.  

For forever may not be a destination to find,

But a constant, tender choice, for a love that binds. 


  1. The thing is that we Don't really understand what love is , we confuse love with lust

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