
Showing posts from August, 2022

Hearts on a Dare

Too good to be true, a whispered, cautious thought, Yet a heartache for you, a price I'd gladly be caught. A gamble on love, a risk I long to take, For your embrace, my heart I freely break. Dreams, a girl's right, a solace in the night, And in you, I see a future bathed in light. A fervent wish, a yearning deep within, That this wondrous story, oh, may it truly begin. May fate conspire, and destiny unfold, A love story whispered, worth more than purest gold. For in your eyes, a dream begins to bloom, A fervent hope, dispelling every gloom.

Echoes of Desire

Your absence lingers, a phantom in my bed, A yearning touch, a memory in my head. I trace your whispers, on skin you used to know, Seeking solace in desire's afterglow. Dreams, vivid echoes, of moments we once shared, A desperate grasp, at pleasures we repaired. Chasing the rush, a fleeting, feverish high, With eyes squeezed shut, to feel you standing by. Do memories linger, a ghost upon your tongue? The taste of me, a pleasure unsung? Do you too wander, in the lonely night's embrace, Conjuring phantoms, with a longing on your face? In stolen moments, I dissect our past, Each detail savored, a comfort meant to last. Missing you, a spiral, deeper I descend, Does love's echo linger, a fire without end? Does your heart quicken, with a thought of what we had? Love's embers glowing, though the flame is sad? Can you find solace, in a memory's embrace? A phantom touch, to ease the empty space? Mocking whispers, a self-inflicted game, Mimicking your touch, a fleeting, burni