Keys Unreturned

A fragile heart, a whispered plea, "Take care of it," I laid it bare for thee. Delicate love, a blooming rose, Yet friendship's label is all that you propose.

Keys to my soul, a trust so deep, You held them close, then let them fall asleep. My bleeding heart, a crimson stain, Each careless touch, a searing, searing pain.

What cruel twist, this love I hold so tight? Loved, trusted, open, bathed in love's pure light. No shame in words, my feelings I confessed, But cowardly words left love unblessed.

Ignoring signs, a fool's hopeful plea, Blinded by love's enchanting fantasy. Your way I walked, on eggshells thin, Only to find, a love that wouldn't win.

Pain's bitter grip, a crushing blow, Hoping someday, it won't fester, won't grow. Love, joy and peace, a future yet unseen, Or maybe learn, love's path can be uneven.

One-sided yearning, a teardrop's stain, But through the storm, a heart will learn again. For love's true strength, in time will mend, A stronger you, to love without end.


Heart temper

Sweet was his love

Hearts at War

Wild Heart, Free Spirit