
Showing posts from June, 2024

Blind No More

 A silent prayer, a plea to the sky, Hoping for answers, a reason to lie. Love's blind embrace, a comfort I craved, But truth unveiled, the affection we waved. The veil lifted, your facade began to fade, Or maybe my eyes, finally unafraid. Love's blindness, a myth in this case, I confess, Blind to your actions, but not to my distress. Heavy the weight, a heart filled with lead, Painful goodbyes, unspoken words are said. You, once my joy, now a source of despair, The numbness sets in, a burden to bear. Too soon to surrender, some might advise, But losing myself is a terrible price. Promises whispered, a vow to hold tight, To find myself again and step back into the light. Worthy of love, a truth I reclaim, More than this ending, a love lost in flame. A corner of my heart, forever you'll hold, But goodbye, I whisper, a story untold.