Consumed by You

A love unlike the rest, a fire in my soul, Your name a whisper, a story yet untold. Just thinking of you, a shiver takes hold, Desire and bliss, in a yearning untold.

My thoughts consumed by you, a yearning so deep, My strength it wanes, as silent tears I weep. If this yearning remains, unquenched, a burning sleep, This fire within me, forever I'll keep.

The whispers of love, a secret we share, Thoughts unleashed, a bond beyond compare. A feeling so new, a comfort so rare, In you, my refuge, a solace to bear.

Passion's deep well, a love that evolves, Thoughts of you burning, where desire dissolves. My heart may choose, but my body revolves, Aching for you, where true fulfillment involves.

This longing, this yearning, a constant refrain, For all that you offer, eases love's sweet pain. Incomparable you, answer to my plea, Come to me, my love, set my spirit free.

Never a feeling so fierce, so profound, Come to me, darling, on love's sacred ground. For in your embrace, my heart will be found, Forever entwined, with love's glorious sound.


Heart temper

Sweet was his love

Wild Heart, Free Spirit

Mr Right turned out to be wrong