Wild Heart, Free Spirit

A tangled web she weaves, a mess so bright, A paradox of beauty, a captivating sight. Adored and scorned, a storm within her eyes, A fire that burns, a spirit that never dies.

This mess she wears, a badge of wild delight, Adorable chaos, a captivating light. They crave her presence, a treasure to behold, But fleeting moments, a story yet untold.

Love's embers flicker, a guarded, tender flame, Fairytales of forever, a whispered, mocking name. Too sweet the promise, a truth she can't embrace, So she hunts her own fortune, a self-made, fearless pace.

No tethered heart for her, no chase, no plea, She hunts for solace, wild and gloriously free. Pursue, entrap her, a game she'll surely win, For only on her terms, her love will let you in.

No room for regrets, no dwelling on the past, From every misstep, a lesson learned at last. A defiant spirit, a "no" that means "begin," A world of her own making, where chaos lets her win.

Replaceable? Never, a gem beyond compare, A fire in her soul, a love beyond compare. Cravings she pursues, a hunger to ignite, Herself, her compass, her guiding, brilliant light.

One rule she holds dear, a truth that sets her free, Number one she stands, wild and gloriously. This beautiful mess, a tempest in disguise, A queen in her chaos, with love in her wild eyes.


Heart temper

Sweet was his love

Hearts at War