Healing Heart

Unspoken pleas, a silent, yearning cry,

"Don't let me go," the words I longed to hear sigh.

A heart that ached, for a single, whispered plea,

But freedom's song, was all you offered me.

Yes, wings to fly, a spirit to ignite,

But caged within, a yearning to take flight.

A partner's hand, a love to claim and hold,

Yet fear held you captive, a story left untold.

Unpredictable tides, a constant, shifting sea,

I searched for solace, in your mystery.

To own your heart, and yours to claim as mine,

A tangled web, a love both fierce and fine.

Hate's bitter sting, and love's sweet embrace,

A storm of emotions, etched upon my face.

Tears on your shoulder, a solace bittersweet,

Love, lust, or friendship? Incompleteness at our feet.

"Babe" to "Bro," a title's fleeting guise,

A constant struggle, reflected in your eyes.

The silent scream, a wish I couldn't voice,

To be your pride, a love with a public choice.

A secret kept, a hidden, burning flame,

The fear of rejection, a whispered, haunting name.

Tears dried and spent, a heart etched with despair,

A gaping hole, a love I couldn't bear.

The cure elusive, the pain a constant throb,

But strength will rise, from the ashes of this sob.

Though you may hold the key, to mend this broken part,

I'll find my own solace, a healing work of art.


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